Venerable Jeanne Chezard de Matel Medal - Sterling Silver Oval Pendant (3 Sizes) $41.99 - $74.99 Compare Compare Items Options
Embellished St. Jude Medal - 14kt Gold 3/4" x 1/2" Pendant (0822J) $158.99 - $851.99 Compare Compare Items Options
Extra Large St. Joseph Medal - 14kt Gold 1 3/8" x 1 1/8" Round Pendant (0203K) $679.99 - $6,699.99 Compare Compare Items Options
Large Embellished St. Joseph Medal - Sterling Silver 1" x 5/8" Oval Pendant (0801KSS) $79.99 Compare Compare Items Options
Large Embellished St. Jude Medal - 14kt Gold 1" x 5/8" Oval Pendant (0801J) $268.99 - $2,478.99 Compare Compare Items Options
Large St. Joseph Medal - Sterling Silver 1" x 5/8" Oval Pendant (4024SS) $76.99 Compare Compare Items Options
Large St. Joseph Pendant - 14kt Gold 1" x 1/8" (5937) $118.99 - $596.99 Compare Compare Items Options
Large St. Jude Medal - 14kt Gold 1" x 5/8" Oval Pendant (4023) $246.99 - $1,386.99 Compare Compare Items Options
Large St. Lawrence Medal - 14kt Gold 1" x 7/8" Round Pendant (0850) $301.99 - $2,786.99 Compare Compare Items Options
Large St. Lazarus Medal - 14kt Gold 1" x 5/8" Oval Pendant (4030) $246.99 - $1,386.99 Compare Compare Items Options
Large St. Lazarus Medal - Sterling Silver 1" x 7/8" Round Pendant (4085SS) $94.99 Compare Compare Items Options
Large St. Pope John Paul II Medal - 14kt Gold 1" x 7/8" Round Pendant (1009) $329.99 - $1,907.99 Compare Compare Items Options
Large St. Pope John Paul II Medal - Sterling Silver 1" x 7/8" Round Pendant (1009SS) $91.99 Compare Compare Items Options
San Juan De La Cruz Medal - Sterling Silver Oval Pendant (3 Sizes) $41.99 - $74.99 Compare Compare Items Options
St. Isaac Jogues Medal - 14kt Gold Oval Pendant (3 Sizes) $79.99 - $2,532.99 Compare Compare Items Options
St. Joan of Arc Air Force Medal - Sterling Silver 7/8" x 3/4" Round Pendant (0193SS1) $81.99 Compare Compare Items Options
St. Joan of Arc Army Medal - 14kt Gold 7/8" x 3/4" Round Pendant (0193) $257.99 - $1,448.99 Compare Compare Items Options
St. Joan of Arc Army Medal - Sterling Silver 7/8" x 3/4" Round Pendant (0193SS2) $81.99 Compare Compare Items Options
St. Joan of Arc Army Medal - Sterling Silver Oval Pendant (3 Sizes) $45.99 - $78.99 Compare Compare Items Options
St. Joan of Arc Marines Medal - 14kt Gold 7/8" x 3/4" Round Pendant (0193) $257.99 - $1,448.99 Compare Compare Items Options
St. Joan of Arc Marines Medal - Sterling Silver Oval Pendant (3 Sizes) $45.99 - $78.99 Compare Compare Items Options
St. Joan of Arc Navy Medal - 14kt Gold Oval Pendant (3 Sizes) $83.99 - $2,536.99 Compare Compare Items Options
St. Joanne Medal - Sterling Silver - On 18" Stainless Chain - Sterling Silver 7/8" x 3/4" Round Pendant $68.99 Compare Compare Items Options
St. John of The Cross Medal - 14kt Gold Oval Pendant (3 Sizes) $79.99 - $2,532.99 Compare Compare Items Options